Last Name: Mcknight
In-game name: Mcknight
Age: 16
Location: United States
Steam ID:
Steam account name: Biscoon12
Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
Previous units you were in with the highest rank achieved in parenthesis:
1- __unit (rank)__
2- __unit (rank)__
3- __unit (rank)__
Here you can list every specific job you had in your previous units (e.g BCT Instructor):
1- __answer here__
2- __answer here__
3- __answer here__
How many hours do you think you can dedicate to the unit every week?:
Name 3 strengths you have:
1- __L33t H4X0r?__
2- __Sniping__
3- __having fun__
Name 3 weaknesses you have:
1- __Im not weak__
2- __Im not weak__
3- __Im not weak__
Did someone recruit you? Yes
If so, who? Sgt. Hawkins
Why did you join us? I dont know
What do you think you can bring to the unit? Good shit
I, ___Mcknight___, agree to follow the rules and obey to officers and NCO's orders.